Thursday 3 May 2012

First post of this blog, as things stand currently it's very barebones.

That being said I think it'd be good to start off this sketch blog with my portfolio that I entered for the Alberta College of Art and Design:

The portfolio was split in three different sections:


Chessboard project! My idea I went with was pirates vs ninjas, but as the process went on I just became obsessed with perfectly rendering balls in classical lighting. LOL 

 figure with drapery

The mask design was the final project in Drawing 115, most classes had to base theirs off of animals, while our class got to do whatever we wanted, I went with my first idea which was playing with Japanese Oni type of masks, and cyber-punk feel to it, one of my favorite pieces.

This is going to be hefty post haha there's roughly 17-20 pieces that we did in the First Year Studies class that directly contribute to the portfolio applying to Visual Communications.

Female assassin that's about to kill the detective she just slept with.

Ink rendering of the zoo gardens at the Calgary Zoo

These last two were done relatively quickly, the center of my stress was definitely the last one, and even then I didn't get to get it the way I wanted it to before the portfolio deadline.

Design Images

 An assymetrical balance design that is also static, the square being up there doesn't really make it fully static... rush job.

Symmetrical design that is "active" in terms of eye movement, some kind of goat like thing.

Poster project where we had to relay the feel of the celebrity quote that we chose, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" from around the dirty 1930s.

Design definitely isn't something that comes easy for me, but it was fun learning the fundamental basics.

Color Theory

Painting is something entirely new to me, while I still can't quickly pick out a color scheme and run with it, it was nice to learn color theory.

The final project consisted of 20 of these cards with different color schemes to portray a sense of space, I can't claim I fully succeeded, but it was interesting.

Alter ego was a frog, I'm going to focus a lot on painting techniques this summer.

A gist of what I might look like by others. LOL

Still life painting, beats beats beats!

Well that's a major chunk of the portfolio! I honestly don't know what my chances are, but using this blog as a way of showing my progress as I go down the illustrative art career path, I want to show my sketches, illustrations, and just what I'm digging and feeling generally, thanks for stopping by!

- A