Thursday 8 May 2014

Preparing for Otafest


Haha but uhhhhh, yeah school's out for now, I signed up for an art history class that was filled up and the waiting list was not long enough to have another class! Hahahah ohhhhhhhhhhh........ School.

To keep myself busy (and it's kind of working?) I'm having a table at artist alley for Otafest! 

I've been using FW Ink for the longest time, so I decided to switch things up with the Dr. Martin's Bombay (bombay? what the---) India Ink, it dries fast, you get an easier dilution... and less texture. So overall it's not too bad for quick inking. I'll try out the more expensive version later... Hicarbon?

(Missing Marcelene and Lemongrab) My friends and I are working to get buttons made for the Otafest, which kind of fell through because the button maker guy is pretty damn expensive... working to get that ready for Animethon.

... More to come ...

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