The title speaks for itself, I just haven't been uh... I haven't been scanning shit. LOL
But here it goes....
I took out a book from the library that has ALOT of faces in them, it's super old school, although the picture above is from some celeb/model tumblr thing. i focused almost entirely on the brush pen and ballpoint, I saw a lot of improvements in my understanding of line and weight.

Extreme contrasts, these ones are from that old faces books. I also love all Batman related things... I can annoy my friends sometimes.

Letting your mind loose is great (when high on coffee), I read some cowboy related comic earlier in the day and it started with the cowboy and....went to Batgirl.

Wednesday life drawing, makes me sad I can't make it out to this one for the next couple of weeks (spring classes). Life Drawing for me is a good reset for everything that's happened in the week so far. I also hate Wednesdays. So... Life Drawing makes that all better.

HANDS! HANDS?! HANDS! AJEW:OFJAWFE George Bridgeman's Constructive Anatomy, I'll admit I haven't looked at it for the last couple of days, wanted to break free of studying and technical for awhile, I'll hit this book up again tomorrow. Some are from the book, some are from references, some are from looking at my own hand.

Friend bought me an orange brush pen awhile back, you're thinking less in value since of the neon orange color and more on line quality... it's interesting.
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