Sunday 23 June 2013

Dynamic Figure Gestures

All of the poses can be found here, great for studies:

Update: Dead, and have been in extreme vegetation, no seriously. Slowly making a comeback...

It's more noticeable with the back one, but I make the bust more compressed in height than it really is.

Ashby if you're reading this, yes I stole your bust. Cause I knew you would never notice. Is it called stealing, or charitable refuge?...

Feeling meh about this one. 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Stephanie Brown

While it's probably not healthy to start many projects and not finish one and then start another, it's kind of how I like to do things right now, jump from one to another in hopes that I learn something new in one that I can apply in the other, trying a different process with this one than the Will Graham one, see if it takes me anywhere. If I do any updates to either of the 3 projects (let's just keep it at 3....) it'll be on that post.

Update: Sometimes I wonder if the images in my head are way over my skill I know that they are...

It needs more structure, lighting to be solidified, forms fleshed out.

Gonna head home... and probably work on the UFC fighter...

update: Gonna eat dinner...

Sunday 9 June 2013

UFC Fighter Tonal Study

Quick Study before bed (gotta wake up at 4... *Grumbles)

Using Alexandre Zedig Diboine's brushes, I think I have an easier time understanding laying down tones/paint with his simple all you can get brush, it's rough and just a rectangle, so I'm liking that aspect, might use this brush to go over Will Graham's face tomorrow using that and then do the tight clean ups using Dan Luvisi's. Keep this one updated the more time I spend on this one.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


I spent a good half an hour to an hour scratching my head coming up with different thumbs to get the feeling of this one, and I decided I should just stick with the thumb that inspired the other 20 before (it wasn't the original one though). The carpenter pencil already had the shapes all planned out along with lighting, although rough I'm working on it, molding it as I go, more process photos to go!

Studying lighting...and style?

I struggled with the visual concept, should the man be the menacing one or should the large animal be menacing? (That black mass thing) I wrestled with the idea while doing my thumbs and figured that the male figure should still be the main character, while the animal as the foreboding, influential element.

Gotta head out of the animation studio...but for me... what's next is fleshing out the planes of the guy (Will Graham of Hannibal)... understand the lighting more.

Gonna keep this one B/W till probably 80% of the way.

Excited for this one! Been on my mind for the last couple of days.

Update 1: I'm... getting Bedlam vibes looking at this. BUT NOT INTENTIONAL FAKWEJFA:KWJEFAW:EFJAEFAWFAW. My lack of ability to find planes and flesh them out is apparent.

Update 2:  Still doesn't look entirely like him... I'll keep working the values.

Update 3: So using Zedig's brushes on this one, trying to flatten the face overall and make it broad.

The first one being the previous rendering, I think it's the nose, lips, and eyebrows (lack of) that need to be adjusted, but I think I'm getting there!