Friday 10 October 2014


Start of the school year

Somewhat present

Trying out different textures and shapes

Trying to do more color with my work.... actually going to take up painting sometime.

I always crack up with these shape doodles when I draw a dick COMPLETELY by accident, I SWEAR. 

So a lot that I've been  doing in this sketchbook have been doodles and I like a lot of them but then I saw what Dave Mckean was doing in HIS SKETCHBOOK:

It totally was bringing my shit to shame, so lately I've been trying (mostly in the moleskine, I still doodle in my throwaway sketchbook) to make my sketches at least visually more interesting or trying to add narrative/type here and there.


Ballpoint is THE SHIT (might've lost the pen and now I am immediately sad...) 

The progress that I am currently seeing in my friends and myself have been extremely exciting, inspiring, and motivating to keep going forward with sketching (sometimes over school projects), I don't know where I'm headed with all this work but I like how organic and unforced the style is going, whatever that style is. For those that are artists struggling with style (myself included) just do what you like, try to do things that you find interesting (both media and content-wise). I want to get into collage and water/goache sometime soon.

The rest will come. You'll be alright.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Animethon Line-up Preview (Inks)

It's been a lot of fun learning to use the croquil to ink these, a huge learning experience for me to pencil things as tight as possible (I still keep things kind of loose) before I go onto the inking stage! Without further ado, this is my print line-up for Edmonton's Animethon! About a months worth of learning/work, and some more prints under the factory line, GOT A WEEK LEFT! GO GO GO GO GO! If you guys are coming to Animethon, feel free to say hi! :) 

Left: Detail Shot (WIP) of Agro and The Wanderer from SotC
Right: Gamagori x Mako from Kill La Kill

The Last of Us - Ellie

Street Fighter - Sakura

Super Giant Games - Red / The Kid

Sunday 27 July 2014

Backyard Sketches

Juuuuus' sketching in the backyard, taking in the sun.... and not the laptop screen's rays for once... a short break from Animethon prints. 

Friday 25 July 2014

Croquil Practice

I feel like the name of the game this summer has been "hands hands hands hands and more hands", and while I'm getting better at drawing them, I still feel like they're such a pain in the ass still. I'll be uploading the animethon print line-up that I've been currently working on this past month quuuuuite soon (only one more left to ink!)

But for now, here's some wind-down sketching with a croquil, that I broke soon after. 

The model thinks her pinky is weird, I don't think so. 

Saturday 19 July 2014

Jake Wyatt I Watch You From Afar

Needing a maaaajor break from animethon penciling non-stop (to be later phased into inking non-stop) so I took a break from anime fan art to do... Comic fan art? IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE MUCH A STRETCH HERE, BUT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO A FAN ART OF THIS CHARACTER. I've been practicing the croquil in order to get a better feel for my line weights... not there yet. I used Dr. Ph Martin's Black Star Hi-Carb Ink (dark as fuck!).

Jake Wyatt, I love Necropolis / The Third Sword (So who is who is what?)!

Our little hero taking some time off and eating junk food.


Nowwwwwwwwwww...... What.......

Friday 11 July 2014

Jog Life

Thinking about drawing out my jogging experiences.

I think I like the lines better...

Jog 2: Avian Bond

While jogging I noticed every single duck flew away in the flock except one, we created the strongest bond there is in the universe.

Jog 3: Rain Shower in My Shirt

It's a great feeling until you take off said shirt.

Jog 4: Man on Fire

I'm nooooooooooooooooot entirely sure about this one, the idea was to have his (my) head on fire but I didn't feel like actually drawing that out, which makes this picture more of a... spirit on fire instead of a flaming scalp. LOL... Alternative color/tonal as well.

Jog 5: Crunch time

(I really want to work on Fire Prince when I have the chance.... coming soon) 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Riding That Coffee Train

Sketches were done at Analogue Coffee on 17th Ave Calgary, very lovely place. I have my gripes about the coffee but the atmosphere is quite something!

Tuesday 1 July 2014

30 Day Challenge

Well the last one didn't follow through, but lets try again... July first, 30 days, sounds good.

Gonna do this for the month! Try out different colors, textures, things, all quick and to the point. (I will go back to DC eventually..)

Day 1: Self Portrait of yourself or your persona

Saturday 28 June 2014

Experiments Saturday

Tried to do a fanart of my friends' character.... 

Could've stopped by the third image probably... after some of the tweaks...

What the character actually looks like. LOL I thought the character looked different in my head, but it was too late to make changes. It was fun to do though! I felt like I learned some, still not used to the black and white process of things..... I'll keep at it.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Nother' Sketchdump

The sketchbook that these ones are from is almost done! 15 MORE PAGES YESSSSSS. This Sketchbook was supposed to be more about environments but..... never happened, I'm slowly getting into that aspect of drawing (i.e not people). If there's any quality that's improved over the course of this work I'd just say my confidence in line, in the beginning of this book the lines were much more wild and all over the place, and now I feel like the lines are more controlled but still gestured. Kind of cool going through all sketchbook and being able to pick my thinking apart.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Last of Us: Ellie


Pencils for an Ellie Fan Art

Going to be testing out different backgrounds for this one to see what works for this one, off to digital land~!

Monday 9 June 2014

DC Dailies (or whenever I feel like it)

A suppose to be on-going 30-day challenge that will undoubtedly be dragged out for the entire summer. 

Poison Ivy: Been using pencils a lot for everything, before I'd use to just go for it with a fine-liner. The process of being able to erase, erase and erase can be frustrating but I slowly learn about what I want instead of playing with happy mistakes.

Strong shape play, using Olly Moss as a huge inspirational reference (if that is a term).

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Virtual Plein-Suckage

Starting Shitty

Part of a facebook digital painting group based around painting from google maps. I think it might be alittle too advanced.... AH WELL. More plein airs on this post!

Monday 19 May 2014


Otafest went well! Went past breaking even and made some profit (probably all of it going towards printing more stuff, and life drawing!)

Went to a coffee shop and just chilled for abit: