Needing a maaaajor break from animethon penciling non-stop (to be later phased into inking non-stop) so I took a break from anime fan art to do... Comic fan art? IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE MUCH A STRETCH HERE, BUT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO A FAN ART OF THIS CHARACTER. I've been practicing the croquil in order to get a better feel for my line weights... not there yet. I used Dr. Ph Martin's Black Star Hi-Carb Ink (dark as fuck!).
Jake Wyatt, I love Necropolis / The Third Sword (So who is who is what?)!
Our little hero taking some time off and eating junk food.

Nowwwwwwwwwww...... What.......
You're getting better at colouring on top of the greyscale haha, keep at it!