Wednesday 27 March 2013


We'll see where this one goes, I often see some quick paintings where the colors seem like they're slapped on by because the colors are so EXACT it looks real despite the painterly style.

I'll spend my time on this one trying to understand that.... or spend little time?

So last week the epic man came back again, however what few skills I have at life drawing were not present at all that day.

Sad Face.

This was done yesterday. I went with Esi ( to it and I decided to bring my new woodless (Progresso) pencil crayons and a cheap toned paper sketchbook (Strathmore, smooth toned paper, $6.50)

AND I LOVED IT. I'm still getting used to the idea of the paper filling in some of the mid value and where to apply white and where to blend, but I will DEFINITELY pursue this further. Since the sketchbook isn't entirely too big, it was one page per 5-10-15 minute poses. Life drawing is one way to fill up one of these toned sketchbooks QUICK. I can see myself having a collection of these things so cheap and fun to use.

Apologize for the scans, the scanner prefers to keep the coiled ring rather than the couple of centimeters of paper it decided to cut off.

Warm ups

Used a pen I got from I saw some pictures from facebook of this guys' life drawing pictures and I'm going to now use the pen more to get clean figure studies, how long that will take... Forever probs. But I'll get there!

One of my favorite ones of the night, I don't have glasses so I can't see the facial features at all. LOL

More to come from life drawing as well as the robin stuff! All in due time.

Keep drawing! 

Update: Retarded ass scanner. I'll render this up 5 notches when I get home with some white conte/pencil crayon. 

Saturday 16 March 2013

Animation Concepts

Animation concepts! We have to create a character for a walk cycle and right away I wanted to do a robot that is Ashley Wood-esque. So the first 3 being pretty based off of him, but cuter....

The concept for these is that this is in the future, coming from a time that lots of war has ended but there's just still lots of weapons and tanks left over, so what do the people do? They built home appliances that they need out of the tanks. So it's this concrete, solid, military look, but all they do is cut grass. I think I'm going with the last one, Mr. Pepper Shaker.

Any updates to this project (it's a 3 week project) I will post on this entry!

So this one is talking about how it'll look when it's cutting grass, the actual colors I"m thinking to be more Ashley Wood-esque, so burnt siennas basically. I'm abit stuck on how to design it for animation, especially in a side profile view. So I'll be thinking about it some more while I'm at the bar watching UFC 158 LOL


Update: So GSP just dominated him on the ground and jabbing Nick Diaz's face off, Nick Diaz still believes he can beat him and wants a rematch (if he doesn't get this he will retired....again?)

I want texture added to the robot, so I am using Dan Luvisi's hair brush to had that scratchy texture. I took off the pepper shaker head, just to make it more simpler...not too sure, we'll see how it goes during crit the next day.

Friday 15 March 2013

Learning the Ropes

Waaaaahhhh!!!!!! AFEK:AJW the more I render this the more it doesn't look like me at all! I know the image isn't a great reference at all but I still want to work with it!

Should I use more flat color to push out the planes? How do I make it look more painterly and less retarded??

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Model1 WIP

Skipped out on school work to watch anime and draw this during the night. Phofind to was taken from a friend of a friend's.... I've saved some of her stuff on facebook, link her back when I  beffind out who it is. I saw a video of this guy doing a self-portrait of himself in the style of Jana Schirmer (god help my spelling) and it took him an HOUR! So naturally "if he can do it, then I can too! Eventually."

Watching his 4 minute video seriously made me pick up digital painting, and I'm starting with monochrome first before I dive into the complex world of colors (they scare me). I am just loving the freedom and fail-alot environment of photoshop digital.

Working on this on my laptop, while at school on the Mac Pro x Cintiq, I'm doing a self-portrait for my FB.

More to come!
Abit lost on how I should go about this next, I guess more blocking in of values before complete rendering/blending but I"m just scared of ruining what I got? Working on this at school on the cintiq while the one above is on a small Intuos 3, both I'm thinking are weekly projects.

More to come!