Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Journey Forward

So I've been taking a liking to this new hobby called, "reading"? Have people always been into reading or is it just a fad that died out while I decided to finally jump on to the wagon?

I\ve just started to read Frankenstein already it's peaked my interest, starting my new ACAD year into Visual Communications and design, there's a lot of expectations that I have for myself and the program.

First off is fail, a lot. This thought process is centered around the idea of experimentation, and learning. Maybe I'll do something wrong, do something bad on a project, fail to meet expectations. Fail. But I don't want to these bad experiences to overshadow my journey into this world of illustration, design and art. I want them to strengthen me and build me into something formidable. In the first few pages of Frankenstein this to-be named protagonist is writing a letter to his sister as he sets sail on a voyage to some new experiences, discoveries and failures ahead. It's reflective of my current situation that I wanted to share an excerpt from the 3rd page, something that conveys my thoughts precisely:

            "My life might have been passed in ease and luxury; but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path (I am not rich in any sense of the word LOL) Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative! My courage and resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult voyage, the emergencies of which will demand all of my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when theirs are failing." - Frankenstein, Mary Shelley.

Isn't that so eloquently written? Something spanning a little less than 3 centuries ago can explain my situation, the context of voyage and trials that lay ahead so beautifully.

Man I seriously LOVE READING.

So as of this writing I am one closing shift at Starbucks away from resigning and having a week off to do what ever I wish and then VC starts. The friendliest of customers I've shared experiences with are definitely the older mature female customers, I'd like to think I haven't been putting it out there constantly about my resignation but I've told probably roughly 10-30 (out of 700ish people) and one of the customers that orders a Grande No Room Dark Roast, has always been extremely happy no matter what time of year and always brightens my day to see her. Check out what I got for a good bye present.

Some of my co-workers felt like writing message on the post-it with sharpie....

Ah.... the thought of filing these up with my mind is fond fantasy.


Seriously an extremely nice customer, I gave her two hugs when she gave it to me (I was on my break so she went to the back room to call me out)

There's a lot of cheesy things that can be said about people believing in you and encouraging you on your way to.. whatever you're headed. Honestly this is such a sincere gesture.

Thanks for reading (art to come).


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