Tuesday 11 September 2012

Sketch Dump

Hey guys! Man the deadlines are just coming down on all sides! But I'm feeling fine, yes just fine....

There are so many good kids in my class! Truly the cream of the top haha, even though a lot of them reapplied, or did schooling else for awhile...or 5 years older than me.....

ANYWAYS I AINT HATING. I've just got to catch up, so I've been drawing like nuts. NUTS I TELL YOU.

I've been doing transit sketches daily, among sketching others in class. I figure monthly I'll just dump the majority of them in one go, I'll of course, take out the very bad ones. 


Till next time! There's shit to do! 

P.S I'll put up studies, different sketches, homework projects as they come through and time permitting. 

Sunday 9 September 2012

Just Like a Star

Hey how are you?

I've been busy. Busy is a great thing to be. There are plenty of sacrifices though.

This mellow mood is fits my wind down mood.

I've been sketching a lot, as I was sketching I wanted to combine my love of anime and drawing into something more literal. Allow me to reiterate, or.... reanimate? I've been wanting to do anime reviews for so long now, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. Partly I believe because, I just don't want to be another anime blog website with a nice banner and screen shots (I do enjoy looking at those blogs every now and then I admit). 

But I love drawing, a lot. More than ever. I feel like my hand wants to devour the world with all that it holds and knows. I feel like my left hand wants to experience things that only it can experience.

So why don't I make anime video reviews, but... not so much a review... but a reanimation? A video of me retelling the story (some serious, some funny) and what makes that story/anime so interesting [or completely terrible] and while I do it some scenes from the anime I can animate myself, some would be a trace over, some would be my version of seeing/explaining it. 

This is a lot of work. 

Especially keeping up with my course work (which I'm doing not so bad of a job btw) and still doing my own personal sketching. 

But I just feel this is just fresh idea, that may or may not catch on. Instead of doing that generic review on whatever so and so on is so bishie (don't even know) or the animation was so-so, what if I could just break it down to basics and sell/destroy the anime based on retelling the story in a way that I see it? 

I'll keep it in mind though, the week starts again, and so does another 17 hour work day.

Monday 3 September 2012

So I have to go to sleep, illustration fundamentals tomorrow.

Wake up at 5:30 ish, pack and head off to school to be there at 7 and start working

That doesn't sound so bad right now because I don't have homework busting out of my bags haha. No, but I have to sleep, but before I rest my eyes I'd just like to say one thing. I never thought I could draw all day, today I didn't push 12 hours in one sitting, but drawing was about the only thing I did today.

I did a lot of drawing today.

The thought of that makes me happy.

I already feel after this weekend that I'm in a different space that I used to be, a week ago, 2 weeks ago.

The classmates in my class that are drawing like crazy really brought it out of me. Part of this sudden increase of drive is reading Malcom Gladwell's book called Outliers. It out lines the reason of success of those that are on a completely different level from the crowd.

The people that do great things.

Long story short, one of the things that greatness has to do with the time put in towards doing something great. Talent or not, time is still included in this factor of greatness. He sums it up to 10,000 hours.

10, 000 Hours? Well I have to start now, is what I'm thinking. But what about painting? Digital painting? I think about that as I'm typing this up, that's a lot of time.

Draw all the time.

You will get there, I promise you.

Now that I'm almost drawing all the time (There's this kid in my class that is the prime example of this, literally every second unless he;s eating or going to the bathroom, or looking up to talk for a quick second) I feel the great satisfaction of the pencil fitting nicely in my hand. It belongs there. With the increase of improvement, my mind goes forward towards the future, in a year, how good will I be? Where will I be? I can't see it, I don't know how much change can happen if I"m doing 12-18 hours a day on work.

I'm drawing things I didn't know I could. It's great, it's the feeling of discovery.

Shit that's more than one thing, off to bed to start another day!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Anatomy Red

I can happily say that school has energized my focus entirely, I can work for 8-10 hours no problem, I still stand up and get distracted but I get back in my seat pretty quickly.

Okay so it's not a pure zen focus thing going on, but it's a pretty big difference to how my summer went haha.

My teacher for anatomy is pretty freaking awesome, so I worked on my comprehensive rough of the skeleton chart for like 5 hours, measuring, getting exact centimetres for each thing and the whole thing is still like a centimetre or something short.

Damn. LOL

Anywho, so I finished it, e-mailed him to just get a look-over, look at how much digital red is on this thing.

LOL. Well if anything, the lines are clean.

I'm not sure if I want to tackle it at this exact hour... But I'll be right back on it 6 AM in the morning.

Update: Okay make that 8 AM, drank some sweet ass coffee (Tribute Blend) while sitting outside taking in the soon to be cold forever temperature.

Check this out:



See any of the changes? This is actually the horizontal flip of what I'm looking at right now, what I can see is that the left arm of the skeleton is a bit too stiff for my liking (that's what she said) aaaaand.... the right knee is still too thin. Some thing to fix I suppose (screw fixing the arm).