Tuesday 11 September 2012

Sketch Dump

Hey guys! Man the deadlines are just coming down on all sides! But I'm feeling fine, yes just fine....

There are so many good kids in my class! Truly the cream of the top haha, even though a lot of them reapplied, or did schooling else for awhile...or 5 years older than me.....

ANYWAYS I AINT HATING. I've just got to catch up, so I've been drawing like nuts. NUTS I TELL YOU.

I've been doing transit sketches daily, among sketching others in class. I figure monthly I'll just dump the majority of them in one go, I'll of course, take out the very bad ones. 


Till next time! There's shit to do! 

P.S I'll put up studies, different sketches, homework projects as they come through and time permitting. 


  1. Keep up the awesome work! Dont let design get you down haha. I love your transit drawings. I myself get a bit twitchy, nervous and hesitant when trying to draw someone so close, so i really applaud what you've done.

  2. Haha thanks Yulin :D

    Yeah I've been thinking it over the last couple of days after that class and I realized how unclassy that was of me to complain and bitch about it haha I just hope when I return back to it tomorrow or something I'll be able to come up with something better...

    Haha y'know the worst thing that has happened way back was when I was drawing a guy sitting across from me and he noticed after a little while and looked kind of disturbed that I Was drawing him and so he switched seats acouple minutes later. HILARIOUS. LOL
