Sunday 17 June 2012

Rapunzel WIP (Extinguishing Inner Demons)

Haha this blog is going through lots of visual changes as I try to figure out what looks best and how much customization I can do [within my ability]

Just posting up a WIP: Rapunzel

Rapunzel after she escapes from the castle and cuts her hair with gigantic shears.
(Need to learn how to draw hands LOL I'll be doing them tomorrow)
Need to crack CS5 so I can work on this and raise the levels to make it darker LOL

Yup, this is just the line art for now, I'll keep this post updated as it goes from this to a finished product. It's a commission from a lady that I met at Starbucks, basically her theme/idea for her female advice/story website, Rapunzel's new do.

Here's the kick though.

She's been extremely patient with me but she finally set up a due date, Mid May release.

I've been so busy with school (inefficient use of time) that I didn't have any time to work on this! So, as the date implies, it's SO FUCKING LATE IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. 

This commission which I refuse to give up (out of pride for my first commission ever) has literially been an extreme source of torment, pain and self-loathing. I hate myself for taking up this project, but I hate myself even more for not being able to finish it on time, much less work on it. Which makes it even harder to take up this project. It's so last priority it's not even funny. 

That's how much agony this project gives me, seriously.

Everytime I think about this project, how I didn't finish it, and how the lady's face as she visits me at work every now and then to subtle-y (but extremely awkward for me) nudge me and remind me that I have to work on this project and how late it is, I start swearing and feeling extremely angry. 

So if she's dropped me already (I don't read my e-mail out of fear of reading reminders of her to complete this commission) I don't really care. I MUST FINISH THIS. I HAVE TO. OR ELSE I WILL NEVER BE FREE OF THIS TORMENT.

That is how I am thinking currently for the past couple of weeks/months.

So what's next? Coloring Rapunzel, the commission is a website type of banner, so I'll be creating the background seperately, which will be the castle in the background, along with shears and a trail of hair leading to her.

Now that I'm working on it it's really not so bad, but the fact that it's extremely late doesn't feel too good, I reallyyyyy hope to finish this soon as you can probably understand, for both myself and her (if she's still accepting it and hasn't dropped me [all these weeks I wish she already had but then she shows up at work to see me])

Keep checking back! Thanks for taking your time to read my thoughts.

- A 

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