Sunday 29 September 2013

Info Illustration Synesthesia

Process for my illustration broadsheet:

Rough lines

God my face rendering is shit! Paint some warmth into there as well.... This could just be alot less flat.
Gotta throw down some type and.... shit.

I have no idea how this project is going to turn out.... I guess that's a good sign?

This one is going alot better I feel,  I start off with a strong high contrast orange and then I slowly (so slow) reveal the form by using light values, I hope to show more form through cool values after.

Hahahahaha if only.

I need some kind of visual movement through here.

Some other touch ups, but now for layout


Make the brain transparent, but no nuclear colors, mute them down abit (Pastel colors), add some visual interest with the type, maaaybe even add the scribbles with the brain and connect them to symbols. Add some 3d-color-tinge to type.

Saturday 28 September 2013


Now I'm a some-what healthy individual, I don't really exercise, but still a very particularly skinny individual. Today was/and still is a good day in terms of productivity, or at least I feel that way and I've been rocking to  the Django Unchained soundtrack after watching the movie this morning, freaking brilliant. It's usually these type of days that I let myself have a little nap, I've worked hard right? Got a lot of thumbs done, and concept work out of the way.

I rest my head on the pillow and just relaxing, I dunno what happened but I guess I was thinking about my parents splitting up, how my dad is eventually going to be living in a duplex by himself quite a ways away from the home that we all currently reside. I was thinking about how although not a death sentence necessarily, the separation and my lack of wanting to maintain a relationship with him all equates to a death of love, a family member, a parent and a human being.

A voice chirps in my head "Well, we all die alone anyways." Something that a classmate of mine once said, it was a rather light hearted conversation despite it all haha.

We all do die alone, even if in an event where multiple people die, your experience is yours and it will end regardless of what you do.

As I lay in bed thinking, the fact seriously dawned on me, I curled into a fetal ball and hid underneath my blanket as if to conceal my sadness away from an imaginary crowd or audience.

Someday the lights are going to go out.

The reality of it all is both sad and motivational, I got out of bed and went to my desk to write this and hopefully soon got back to work.

What am I doing with my life? What is important? How can I live less carelessly?

Thumbnail Sketches

I have a sketchbook dedicated to thumbnails, I fucking love doing thumbnails.

Larger ideas of some of the thumbs, the 4th one is more of a misty cloud thing and I don't feel like taking the time to render that with pencil crayon.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Environment Studies

Learning the ropes of environments through studies:

Feel like this one is a lot weaker.

The rest of the studies

Friday 13 September 2013

Sketch Dump 2.21

Just another sketchdump, I don't like having a post dedicated to one picture (only sometimes), so I'll keep this one constantly flowing as best as I can...

I find myself comfortable enough with the medium to experiment with different weights, dry brush techniques, and diluted ink. But maaaaan just looking at Nico Delort's stuff... I'm gonna have to pick up a scratch board or 10...

Sometimes I wonder where/when I will go back to tight pencils, before ink I loved the constructed, tight pencil look, and that look definitely transfers to ink 100%, but right now I do like it very loose and expressive. 

Environmental Storytelling (Project 2 - Observational)

Just keeping a process log of my project 2, learning how to do environments, good greyscales (or piece of shit ones) and then coloring from that greyscale. 

I've learned from this one enough in terms of pushing things back and pulling things forward, using texture to describe atmospheric perspective, and a bit of color. I wouldn't be too embarassed showing this tomorrow.

Although I should chill out the textures of the "trees" and flatten some of that green texture on the red rock.... and.....

I like how this one turned out, I can see the allure of painting environments now! It starts out so muddy and then eventually you have something, process is everything I've been learning lately.

Ughhhhhh organic environments are probably fun but I don't get them! But I'm calling this one done as well. LOL 

Monday 9 September 2013

Saturday 7 September 2013

Figure Illustration: Project 1 Character Transformation

I never post up school work, but there's a first for everything.

Tonals with dry brush acrylic

In the end I'm doing a combo of the last one and first one... going to try to pull back and push forward as much as I can with each panel. I have to fix the face anatomy of the last one, MAKE a panel 2, fix some shit for panel 3 so the structure is there, put in a background for panel 3 as well.

Liking how this one is coming out. miiiiight want to push things abit more forward, like the beard. My instructor also wants to fix the face, soooooo that might be a pain in the ass depending. Also have to brighten this cause Macs are retardedddddddddddddddddd.


Hmmmmmm I feel like the red is being too obvious here, probably need to put some more highlights on the muscles as well. Darken the breast plate thingy....

Update: I dunno... make the arm armer thing less flesh toned? I'm abit lost at the moment for this one.

Finals, there's things to fix but I'm proud of the result! 

Friday 6 September 2013

It's Happenin'

Blantant James Jean Rip-Off.


P.S This is my playlists that I've been constantly updating/relistening to:

Thursday 5 September 2013


I feel like I'm watching a baby slowly learning how to walk, that's how exciting it is for me to draw these days, just exploring ink and all that is possible (hopefully color later on, looking at Killian Eng's works makes me think it's possible).