Monday 25 February 2013

Animation Piece

I learned a lot of things when  I was doing this animation, part it being that I don't have a lot of patience drawing things in 1s or 2s, however nearing the end of the animation seeing it come together and that you made it happen is quite the experience. I have a long ways to go in terms of animation should I persue it? I'm not entirely too sure, I have seen myself taking up a career in animation but more in the storytelling department rather than the animation department. But artistically it doesn't narrow your options, knowing how to animate.

It's a 7 second long animation bit, cut in to 16 pieces of a song and then scrambled together to form one semi-cohesive piece.

I kind of do want to do more after seeing that, just the way the explosion lightning thing syncs up makes me pretty happy haha. Animation for me is definitely a learn as you go, not knowing too much means a lot of growth to be had in the area, and just improving on line control and drawing in general.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Epic Life Drawing

These gestures don't translate how excited I was to have the model that we had, he had all these props and crazy poses he was whipping out! Man it was so refreshing compared to the previous two ladies who would just stand and lean over, this guy was wicked.

Quickies, I went all blue this session, blue gel pen, blue ink, and blue lead. I worked only in my sketchbook (a new one since I lost the other one due to stupid drunkedness) so I focused mainly on shapes, thinking in 3d (hard to think about) and landmarks, as well as keeping my lines interesting.

He did some punching poses.

This guy had a whole slew of props! Teddy Bear, Pole, Ball, Chain and a couple of other things too!

Instead of intense rendering, just thinking about shapes and proportion.

Need glasses, don't even know what his face looks like. LOL

Bottom left is my favorite of the night.

More stuff to come about the League of Badasses, who knows maybe it'll be a portfolio piece....project thing..... Keep you guys posted!

Thanks for stopping by!

Update: Retarded ass scanner. I'm not going to work on this until I can grab my white conte or pencil crayon, but I'm having lots of fun with this so far, already effed up the face but s'all good, I'll just practice portraits later as well. 

Monday 18 February 2013

Should I Make Daily Posts?

I needed coffee last night in order to simply concentrate on my animation homework... I really love animation but I'm not too sure whether I have the patience or attention span for it unfortunately. So about the coffee, woke up and felt like a mess, part of it might have been I could only pass out at like 2:30 and woke up at 6:30 (Alarm clock so that I don't sleep in) and then went to bed for another hour and a half, not too bad! But bluh do I feel odd right now. So this morning I lazily drew this one in, and only this guy, didn't even bother rendering his right half, I normally don't draw faces on these people but now I'm starting to in a really simple planar manner, I'm sure I'll be more up to drawing faces and super hero figures later in the day. Keep ya guys posted! 

Sunday 17 February 2013

Simple Planar Figures

Planar Figures this morning, trying to see how light hits planes of the figure.

The tumblr website also has a tumblr dedicated to portraits, it's mostly just pretty models/celeberties, so the lighting doesn't really change all too much but I think I might move on to that later this week, getting abit tired with drawing figures, or perhaps I should move on to drawing poses from my head and drawing superheroes...

(update: the massive space on the right felt abit empty so I drew another planar)

(Last update) I want to do a fun little project [I say this a lot but I AM trying to actually do these when they come to my head] where I turn myself and some of my classmates into superheroes and ink them in a comic cover composition.

This is my friend Yulin ( as a superhero "Quill" I'm going to thumbnail probably another 10 silhouettes before I choose a silhouette and then go further with details after that. Just a fun little break from my animation project.

Back to work!


Saturday 16 February 2013

Quick Life Drawing Post

Done this morning.

I ain't one to bitch or complain, but the webcam blurs all the textures/details, just saying. But I did this, this morning about an hour for the big dude, I chose this pose cause over the past 2 life drawing sessions at Quick Draw Animation (Calgary) whenever they do a foreshortening laying down pose I don't know how to do it right! 

I took the chance to use this blog as study reference in order to learn more, I don't think I got the foreshortening right...but the perspective is close...maybe. 

More life drawing to be updated to this post, I'm taking these with my laptops webcam.


Freaking, Fantastic. I never have the attention span to sit through the entire concert to be honest, but while drawing the guy it was so great to jam out to!

Friday 8 February 2013

Haha!... Oh shit time has passed.

I have returned! Make promises of staying? Haha! How absurd! 

Not too much has happened, I'm still enrolled into the Visual Communications program at Alberta College of Art and Design, there have been some wheels that have been turning however...

Starting this Winter semester the funding fell through (this isn't an irregular occurrence at ACAD sad to say...) to have 2 teachers teaching illustration classes, so like 6 (me being one of them) had to take a purely design course load (excluding animation class) 

I was pretty much dreading that this would happen, and man did it suck for the first couple of weeks, but the thing is....

As time went on I began to enjoy it.

WTF? Said the illustrator inside of me, "This is some BULLSHIT!"

Well, kind of is, the ideas/concepts for a design in either Communications Design and Typography don't come to me in a silver platter like they might for some kids in my class. I have to dig, and dig, and dig and dig, but when I solve the problem and get the one golden idea? 

Man does that feel good. 

I look at paragraphs, type faces, textures from the words placed on the page so different than I used to like 3 months ago!

Overall the process of developing into a well rounded artist has never felt better, although this weekend is going to be stressssssssssful! I've seriously haven't felt so happy/good in awhile. But that's besides the point, why am I updating this blog that needs a completely new overhaul in design? Well, I've developed the sketching addiction again! Here to sketch dump some pieces and then bugger off to do animations far farrrr into the night:


Been TRYING (trying..) to do a weekly thing for creativity sake where I take a theme like, android women and draw that for the week, next week is assassin schoolgirls. 


Been wanting to do more with ink 

Most of the poses shown here are from

trying to do stuff from memory

Going through a batman phase although I don't do batman as much as I'd like to...