Friday 19 October 2012


First off I feel seeing as this is a sketchblog that I should definitely be posting more sketches up.

There is no excuse.

This post is once again more on my thoughts on this path towards being an artist. The deadlines in VC are pretty tough for me, up to date I've pulled a lot of late nights but only one all nighter. My grades I feel don't reflect my potential but only my state of time management, perhaps also commitment?
Shouldn't I be losing sleep to get the grades I want?

Shouldn't  I be busting ass to deliver a good final product?

These questions aren't on my mind as much as they should be. Instead I keep thinking of projects that I would love to experiment and tell stories on.

Shouldn't I be losing sleep for these dreams that I want to tell?

Shouldn't I be busting ass to deliver something that I would be proud of?

There's so much out there that I would love to study (artistically). And I feel like I might never have to chance to be ahead in my classes to divvy some time out for those ventures I would love to venture on. It is because of that feeling/prediction that I feel like I am not improving at all, I feel stagnant.

But the projects keep coming and the deadlines are tight as ever.

My classmate Alex ditched the program for the path that my mind tends to wander on most, because he felt like the questions that my mind should be thinking about was stifling his ability to grow.

I agree with him on all fronts (with exception to being ignorant to things that are deemed "Not needed to be learned"). and I find myself thinking whether I should follow suit.

Would I be able to be just as driven? For how long? Either path isn't guaranteed safety, warmth, fame as much as the faculty likes to say it does.

I find myself being snappy a lot with some people, I apologize for that as well.

I think I just needed somewhere to vent before I continue on this path, it's been hard being behind in the one class that seems to eat up so much of my time. (If this class didn't exist I would have lots of time to experiment and study). The frustration stems ultimately from myself, as much as I despise this one class, or don't like the teacher in another, it's because of my inability to apply myself harder and be more efficient that I tend to be in a messy position for Design Communications.

It's tough being frustrated with yourself. Because it's you, right? Shouldn't YOU, be able to do something about it? Shouldn't YOU be able to finish this? Shouldn't YOU be able to do better?

There's really no proper way to end this post other than saying I do feel better for writing this out, blogs do serve that function of "saying without screaming".

I will get past this and grow, I will be ahead in my classes.

Just gotta adjust and apply, that's all.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Sketch Dump

Hey guys! Man the deadlines are just coming down on all sides! But I'm feeling fine, yes just fine....

There are so many good kids in my class! Truly the cream of the top haha, even though a lot of them reapplied, or did schooling else for awhile...or 5 years older than me.....

ANYWAYS I AINT HATING. I've just got to catch up, so I've been drawing like nuts. NUTS I TELL YOU.

I've been doing transit sketches daily, among sketching others in class. I figure monthly I'll just dump the majority of them in one go, I'll of course, take out the very bad ones. 


Till next time! There's shit to do! 

P.S I'll put up studies, different sketches, homework projects as they come through and time permitting. 

Sunday 9 September 2012

Just Like a Star

Hey how are you?

I've been busy. Busy is a great thing to be. There are plenty of sacrifices though.

This mellow mood is fits my wind down mood.

I've been sketching a lot, as I was sketching I wanted to combine my love of anime and drawing into something more literal. Allow me to reiterate, or.... reanimate? I've been wanting to do anime reviews for so long now, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. Partly I believe because, I just don't want to be another anime blog website with a nice banner and screen shots (I do enjoy looking at those blogs every now and then I admit). 

But I love drawing, a lot. More than ever. I feel like my hand wants to devour the world with all that it holds and knows. I feel like my left hand wants to experience things that only it can experience.

So why don't I make anime video reviews, but... not so much a review... but a reanimation? A video of me retelling the story (some serious, some funny) and what makes that story/anime so interesting [or completely terrible] and while I do it some scenes from the anime I can animate myself, some would be a trace over, some would be my version of seeing/explaining it. 

This is a lot of work. 

Especially keeping up with my course work (which I'm doing not so bad of a job btw) and still doing my own personal sketching. 

But I just feel this is just fresh idea, that may or may not catch on. Instead of doing that generic review on whatever so and so on is so bishie (don't even know) or the animation was so-so, what if I could just break it down to basics and sell/destroy the anime based on retelling the story in a way that I see it? 

I'll keep it in mind though, the week starts again, and so does another 17 hour work day.

Monday 3 September 2012

So I have to go to sleep, illustration fundamentals tomorrow.

Wake up at 5:30 ish, pack and head off to school to be there at 7 and start working

That doesn't sound so bad right now because I don't have homework busting out of my bags haha. No, but I have to sleep, but before I rest my eyes I'd just like to say one thing. I never thought I could draw all day, today I didn't push 12 hours in one sitting, but drawing was about the only thing I did today.

I did a lot of drawing today.

The thought of that makes me happy.

I already feel after this weekend that I'm in a different space that I used to be, a week ago, 2 weeks ago.

The classmates in my class that are drawing like crazy really brought it out of me. Part of this sudden increase of drive is reading Malcom Gladwell's book called Outliers. It out lines the reason of success of those that are on a completely different level from the crowd.

The people that do great things.

Long story short, one of the things that greatness has to do with the time put in towards doing something great. Talent or not, time is still included in this factor of greatness. He sums it up to 10,000 hours.

10, 000 Hours? Well I have to start now, is what I'm thinking. But what about painting? Digital painting? I think about that as I'm typing this up, that's a lot of time.

Draw all the time.

You will get there, I promise you.

Now that I'm almost drawing all the time (There's this kid in my class that is the prime example of this, literally every second unless he;s eating or going to the bathroom, or looking up to talk for a quick second) I feel the great satisfaction of the pencil fitting nicely in my hand. It belongs there. With the increase of improvement, my mind goes forward towards the future, in a year, how good will I be? Where will I be? I can't see it, I don't know how much change can happen if I"m doing 12-18 hours a day on work.

I'm drawing things I didn't know I could. It's great, it's the feeling of discovery.

Shit that's more than one thing, off to bed to start another day!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Anatomy Red

I can happily say that school has energized my focus entirely, I can work for 8-10 hours no problem, I still stand up and get distracted but I get back in my seat pretty quickly.

Okay so it's not a pure zen focus thing going on, but it's a pretty big difference to how my summer went haha.

My teacher for anatomy is pretty freaking awesome, so I worked on my comprehensive rough of the skeleton chart for like 5 hours, measuring, getting exact centimetres for each thing and the whole thing is still like a centimetre or something short.

Damn. LOL

Anywho, so I finished it, e-mailed him to just get a look-over, look at how much digital red is on this thing.

LOL. Well if anything, the lines are clean.

I'm not sure if I want to tackle it at this exact hour... But I'll be right back on it 6 AM in the morning.

Update: Okay make that 8 AM, drank some sweet ass coffee (Tribute Blend) while sitting outside taking in the soon to be cold forever temperature.

Check this out:



See any of the changes? This is actually the horizontal flip of what I'm looking at right now, what I can see is that the left arm of the skeleton is a bit too stiff for my liking (that's what she said) aaaaand.... the right knee is still too thin. Some thing to fix I suppose (screw fixing the arm).

Friday 31 August 2012

Full Speed Ahead

Y'know Later this week I think I'll just do some legit scans of the work I've done, the webcam photos are pretty bad huh? LOL

So I started anatomy this week, I've just been drawing the skeleton to get a better feel for it before I have to do my actual assignment (due Sept 10th)

I think the rib cage (thoracic something) is the thing that interests me the most because of how complex it looks and the repetition. Basically it takes me awhile to draw.

Some good ol' skull stuff, the webcam takes out a lot of the value for both.

Anatomy is the only homework I've got this weekend (head start! YEAH BITCH) so I'm going to take my time doing studies, but I plan to finish it this weekend even though it's not due this Monday cause of the holiday. Good habits! ...


My VC class is full of people are that way ahead of me, part of me blames their age, they're just older and they've had more time to work on their craft than me right?


Way of thinking, they are a lot older than me, most of them haha.

Just seeing how much these kids draw, and holy shit they draw a lot, it makes me really want to up my "obsessive game" too. It's going to be a really good year, 6 months from now I will be so fucking good I promise. 

Sketching-wise. Still need to learn how to paint digitally and traditionally, that crap will take uh. awhile.

Till next time! Comin' soon! 

Friday 24 August 2012

Cause It Spins That Way

I have left Starbucks, yes I really have. 

An end to something just means the beginning of another however haha.

I realize that I've only put up WIP on this blog recently, where is the finished stuff? Well. There isn't any! LOL I have about 6 days left before school starts so I want to finish up some works and post them up here with pride! So stay tuned for that....

Cross Notebook Journal given to me by Ty.

Besides the song being extremely awesome, the directing for this is both simple and genius.

Indiana Summer (Version for Newestra) Man I've been listening to this guy for the entire 2 week ish so far, this stuff just gets me right into the working mode haha.

Till next time! (With complete stuff hopefully)

- Alex

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Journey Forward

So I've been taking a liking to this new hobby called, "reading"? Have people always been into reading or is it just a fad that died out while I decided to finally jump on to the wagon?

I\ve just started to read Frankenstein already it's peaked my interest, starting my new ACAD year into Visual Communications and design, there's a lot of expectations that I have for myself and the program.

First off is fail, a lot. This thought process is centered around the idea of experimentation, and learning. Maybe I'll do something wrong, do something bad on a project, fail to meet expectations. Fail. But I don't want to these bad experiences to overshadow my journey into this world of illustration, design and art. I want them to strengthen me and build me into something formidable. In the first few pages of Frankenstein this to-be named protagonist is writing a letter to his sister as he sets sail on a voyage to some new experiences, discoveries and failures ahead. It's reflective of my current situation that I wanted to share an excerpt from the 3rd page, something that conveys my thoughts precisely:

            "My life might have been passed in ease and luxury; but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path (I am not rich in any sense of the word LOL) Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative! My courage and resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult voyage, the emergencies of which will demand all of my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when theirs are failing." - Frankenstein, Mary Shelley.

Isn't that so eloquently written? Something spanning a little less than 3 centuries ago can explain my situation, the context of voyage and trials that lay ahead so beautifully.

Man I seriously LOVE READING.

So as of this writing I am one closing shift at Starbucks away from resigning and having a week off to do what ever I wish and then VC starts. The friendliest of customers I've shared experiences with are definitely the older mature female customers, I'd like to think I haven't been putting it out there constantly about my resignation but I've told probably roughly 10-30 (out of 700ish people) and one of the customers that orders a Grande No Room Dark Roast, has always been extremely happy no matter what time of year and always brightens my day to see her. Check out what I got for a good bye present.

Some of my co-workers felt like writing message on the post-it with sharpie....

Ah.... the thought of filing these up with my mind is fond fantasy.


Seriously an extremely nice customer, I gave her two hugs when she gave it to me (I was on my break so she went to the back room to call me out)

There's a lot of cheesy things that can be said about people believing in you and encouraging you on your way to.. whatever you're headed. Honestly this is such a sincere gesture.

Thanks for reading (art to come).


Saturday 18 August 2012

Quick Update

So I'm learning as I go (not learning that quickly) how to paint a face, I'm constantly just going over what I just did and "correcting it" I hope I finish this before school starts....

Getting into robot designs, girl trying to put on a robot helmet that's too big for her head. I'm abit stuck with this one, going to erase the eyes and go another route. 

That's all for now! I should leave the house.... maybe.

Thursday 16 August 2012


So haven't updated this blog in awhile, to be honest that's because of laziness and lack of things being made in general. Which isn't the way to live an artists life, ALWAYS BE HUSTLING (self-motivation, I figure reading words in bold like that will sink in sub-consciously, and they will!)

So I've been getting more into painting and it's something out of my element, hard, and I have so much to pdate: learn. Learning is the result of failure and experiments and building upon those, for hopes of future success. 

The picture above is something I've been working on the cover of my small sketchbook, it's been an on and off thing. The butterfly was picture referenced, and now that I'm working on the face, I'm not sure where it's headed haha. But I'm thinking of a blue-pink color scheme as you can see. See where it goes!
So fail I will, look like shit it might, but I will get there.

This one is something I've moved on from, just the idea of our dreams and imaginations sifting through our heads as we sleep, studio ghibli dreams related specifically.

More to come! I've hit a groove.

August 18th: AHHHHH! 12 more days till school starts! My student loans aren't in yet! (I registered late) SHITTTTT S O N.

I'm still finding it incredibly hard to wake up at a decent time, but I did get to work right away today thankfully haha.

I did the picture above just recently, I'm going to head out and enjoy the day and sketch in a new environment, head home and paint some more. I should start photoshop soon....

Sunday 22 July 2012


Long time since I've updated eh?

I've been just working at Starbucks and hitting home and attempting to work but then something always steals my time away. Has that ever happened to you guys? What changes should I do to fight against that?

Something that's on my mind a lot haha.

Have you guys heard of Breezy Lovejoy new EP? You can find it pretty quickly if you google it, free of charge.

There will be stuff coming, make no mistake! I just need to find my concentration back haha, I've been thankful for going down this path in life. There are days where I'm completely unsure of what the hell am I "doing" but the days where I'm so sure I feel like I could easily grab on to it I feel like I'm on top of the world. haha





Monday 2 July 2012

Summer Art Camp

A couple of my friends are working together to improve our skills through just doing study-like assignments everyday with a 50 cent penalty if you don't finish it.

So today was based around low-mid-high contrast in terms of lighting, it feels like a productive day!

I oughta look at  more 50s ladies...

So lately my sister has been watching a whole bunch of Game of Thrones, (the show seems pretty damn realistic with all the long panning shots of the sets and scenery!) 

KIND of, what my sister looks like. 

Haha this song is hilarious and really sad, and extremely creepy, but I love Wax still, very epic rapper!
hmmmm videos that inspire.... videos that inspire.....



I know.

Pretty crazy right?

There is this though!

Calgary based graffiti artist David Brunning tries to live out the answer of improving our lives by removing all things that are considered "unnecessary". He's decided to simply just wear the same clothes every single day (different shirt, but exact same color and type), if we don't care about how we look like to others, do we become more beautiful and attractive? 

I've also been waking up in the morning and drawing using conte of models from a Vogue magazine, ALL THE MODELS ARE SO HOT. But that's on gigantic newsprint and my camera is dead of battery and I don't have the charger... So those are to come later!


Sunday 24 June 2012

Plug suits and The Great Teacher Onizuka

So I think I am pretty bent on drawing more space suits, the possibilities are endless!

Arghhhhh, that wicked ass anatomy! and in a plug suit none the less! I dunno what the hell Ayanami Rei is doing, but I love how he chose to go with more of a muted eye color and browner hair color for Asuka.

After a second take I notice that she's also in high heels, there is so much I like about this picture...

I'm not creepy.

So I tried to copy the design for Mikami girl, or whatever her name was haha

Not too bad if I can say so for myself! At this point I'm thinking of how I can improve silhouettes and making my line quality more dynamic. Play with tone and try to render things now? Yeah I think that's exactly what I'm going to do, if I'm going to use a pencil. I quickly took some time to do some shading on each, but doesn't really show with the scan eh?

Random doodle, trying to do a dynamic pose, weird as hell cyclops. LOL

Videos that inspires me

How Bad Do You Want It from Greyskale Multimedia LLC

Do you have times where you're extremely motivated and then times when you're just a vegetable? Of course you do, and it's in those times that I watch these types of videos to seriously give me a kick in the ass, this life is incredibly short, let's be efficient with it.

My friend Sarah showed me this one awhile back, it spells out the struggles and learning curve to becoming an artist so well

Why do we struggle? Why do we persevere? Why... do we sacrifice? 

Hmmmmmmmm..... might be something I want to think about further for my comic... :P 

So I've been reading GTO after I finished the anime series, and over the 3 days I finished the manga where the anime left off.....

I'm going to write a large ass paragraph all for Onizuka later..... But I AM HOOKED.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Space Woman

Tight space suits, futuristic designs, women?! Pretty good combination if you ask me, I am 100% sure that I will be continuing to venture in this area, and maybe draw more of this character specifically, maybe she'll be the main character of this summer's short comic? :P

Still need to crack photoshop...
(I miss levels)
[She's shocked I'm going to be uploading more]

Good news coming up though, I've got only my finals left for spring courses! So more stuff will be put on here, and more frequently (probably 3 times as much I'm hoping)

My friend and I are starting this kind of  "art bootcamp" where for the next 8 weeks (before my VC program starts) we'll be tackling different aspects of illustration, more focused on the human figure than anything but I extremely do expect this to bring some very strong results to my art. 

We'll be working on

Human Anatomy
Animal Anatomy
Human Expression
Character Design
Environmental Concepts

It sounds grand haha but it'll just be basics with the time that we have, each of those topics you could study for years haha

I'm also going to be working on a short comic (writing and thinking about it everyday, what do I want to tell? what should I say?) 

Doing a sketchbook per month

and I'm trying to figure out where I can put in digital painting practice and traditional painting practice in there, it's just going to be ALOT OF ART. 

I am in need of pho, be back soon!

Edit: Back from pho and did a quick sketch of the girl again, I'm thinking her name might be Kye-Li, not too sure, I wanted to base her off of a generic looking korean girl (pretty one that is) and as I continue to draw her I'll get a feel of her personality and what specific features she will have.

Maybe she'll be my own type of Pepper haha
Getting ready to go space harpooning!

So either I'll continue sketching her/random stuff today or work on my art trade picture with my friend orrrrrr Rapunzel.... ... ah god I should really finish that....

Stuff that I'm looking at:
My sister showed me this prolific designer Curtis Hillman who passed away battling cancer, as well as designing he had a keen interest in creating films as well.
This is a video of him interviewing Daniel Liebskind superstar architect.

You know I should just base my space girl off of Younha shouldn't I? 

I'll post more stuff later! Keep on rocking! 

- A 

Sunday 17 June 2012

Rapunzel WIP (Extinguishing Inner Demons)

Haha this blog is going through lots of visual changes as I try to figure out what looks best and how much customization I can do [within my ability]

Just posting up a WIP: Rapunzel

Rapunzel after she escapes from the castle and cuts her hair with gigantic shears.
(Need to learn how to draw hands LOL I'll be doing them tomorrow)
Need to crack CS5 so I can work on this and raise the levels to make it darker LOL

Yup, this is just the line art for now, I'll keep this post updated as it goes from this to a finished product. It's a commission from a lady that I met at Starbucks, basically her theme/idea for her female advice/story website, Rapunzel's new do.

Here's the kick though.

She's been extremely patient with me but she finally set up a due date, Mid May release.

I've been so busy with school (inefficient use of time) that I didn't have any time to work on this! So, as the date implies, it's SO FUCKING LATE IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. 

This commission which I refuse to give up (out of pride for my first commission ever) has literially been an extreme source of torment, pain and self-loathing. I hate myself for taking up this project, but I hate myself even more for not being able to finish it on time, much less work on it. Which makes it even harder to take up this project. It's so last priority it's not even funny. 

That's how much agony this project gives me, seriously.

Everytime I think about this project, how I didn't finish it, and how the lady's face as she visits me at work every now and then to subtle-y (but extremely awkward for me) nudge me and remind me that I have to work on this project and how late it is, I start swearing and feeling extremely angry. 

So if she's dropped me already (I don't read my e-mail out of fear of reading reminders of her to complete this commission) I don't really care. I MUST FINISH THIS. I HAVE TO. OR ELSE I WILL NEVER BE FREE OF THIS TORMENT.

That is how I am thinking currently for the past couple of weeks/months.

So what's next? Coloring Rapunzel, the commission is a website type of banner, so I'll be creating the background seperately, which will be the castle in the background, along with shears and a trail of hair leading to her.

Now that I'm working on it it's really not so bad, but the fact that it's extremely late doesn't feel too good, I reallyyyyy hope to finish this soon as you can probably understand, for both myself and her (if she's still accepting it and hasn't dropped me [all these weeks I wish she already had but then she shows up at work to see me])

Keep checking back! Thanks for taking your time to read my thoughts.

- A 

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Draft Dodging

I'm not sure whether it's this constant routine of school-work-school-work-eat-work-sleep that I've been having to do that has me completely washed out lately.

At times and sometimes all day I think to myself "I should probably just take a year off shouldn't I?" being always busy isn't bad, but one of my problems is that I just don't know how to take a break from it, and then get right back into the groove right away. So I'm just always always in Charlie Sheen Mode, GO!

Haha, other days I'm excited that I got excepted into Visual Communications, it's quite an honor, a very small achievement, but also very nice that the faculty members overseeing VC consider me a potential possibility of pulling it all off. I look around and see the classmates that I'd get to be with and I'm filled with excitement, fear, doubtfulness, combative spirit.

"What the hell am I doing?" I ask myself this when I'm taking the liberal arts studies for the spring, one of my other problems is that I require a reason before I do something. While I do have the reason for taking these courses instead of taking them in the fall/winter semesters, I just have no lack of lazyness when it comes to doing them.

Even now I have a crapload of late assignments piling up as I type this.

I'll get to it.

I'll get it done.

Just don't know when haha.

Things to Share: One of my favorite animes period, Katanagatari, a song track from a very solid OST. Beyond: Two Souls, from the makers of Heavy Rain, Quantic Dreams, fantastic what they've been able to achieve.

It's supposed to be a game play trailer but it just seems like a cinematic short film at the moment....

No sketches lately, all this thinking, and liberal art studies hw is just disrupting my sketching. I am coming up with a couple ideas to make the background my own though, as well as coming up with an idea for the cover picture for my Facebook, personal stuff but good to get some kind of project going haha.

I hope I make it out all of this in one piece, seriously. Losing my mind here.

Over and out.

Monday 4 June 2012

Sketch Round Up

Some things to share today:

"Kara" By Quantic Dream, it's a tech demo and a short film all nicely wrapped together.

Topic of E3 came up as I was scrolling across the IGN page looking for new games coming out (I don't play them since I don't have any of the consoles, I just like to see what game developers are doing)

But isn't that video great!?

My most favorite scene is where Kara is taking her first steps forward, and you see quite clearly that this is a very personal moment for her, overall I'm impressed how quickly I could care for a character I just saw for the first time 3 minutes prior, maybe the fact that she's good looking has to do something about it.

I've been doing a lot of figures off of

While none of these are from the website, I tend to branch off and want to do my own thing.

Here's to trying to get better at anatomy~!

Have you guys seen this website? I was introduced to comics by my friend at ACAD and I just can't get enough of heroes (especially drawing female heroes, addicting!) It's a blog that dedicates to displaying other artists renditions of their favorite heroes, seems like a lot of people on the website are fans of Gatchaman, I wasn't alive during the time it was release I think...but the illustrations do make me very curious.

She may not be in the film, but she is an original avenger:

The Wasp! She's in the cartoon of the Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes, and she's so freaking hilarious, definitely will be trying to draw her later.

I think I'm kind of "done" with the sketching phase (impossible) since I want to do more full illustration pieces now. I'll try to keep this place posted! 

Thursday 3 May 2012

First post of this blog, as things stand currently it's very barebones.

That being said I think it'd be good to start off this sketch blog with my portfolio that I entered for the Alberta College of Art and Design:

The portfolio was split in three different sections:


Chessboard project! My idea I went with was pirates vs ninjas, but as the process went on I just became obsessed with perfectly rendering balls in classical lighting. LOL 

 figure with drapery

The mask design was the final project in Drawing 115, most classes had to base theirs off of animals, while our class got to do whatever we wanted, I went with my first idea which was playing with Japanese Oni type of masks, and cyber-punk feel to it, one of my favorite pieces.

This is going to be hefty post haha there's roughly 17-20 pieces that we did in the First Year Studies class that directly contribute to the portfolio applying to Visual Communications.

Female assassin that's about to kill the detective she just slept with.

Ink rendering of the zoo gardens at the Calgary Zoo

These last two were done relatively quickly, the center of my stress was definitely the last one, and even then I didn't get to get it the way I wanted it to before the portfolio deadline.

Design Images

 An assymetrical balance design that is also static, the square being up there doesn't really make it fully static... rush job.

Symmetrical design that is "active" in terms of eye movement, some kind of goat like thing.

Poster project where we had to relay the feel of the celebrity quote that we chose, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" from around the dirty 1930s.

Design definitely isn't something that comes easy for me, but it was fun learning the fundamental basics.

Color Theory

Painting is something entirely new to me, while I still can't quickly pick out a color scheme and run with it, it was nice to learn color theory.

The final project consisted of 20 of these cards with different color schemes to portray a sense of space, I can't claim I fully succeeded, but it was interesting.

Alter ego was a frog, I'm going to focus a lot on painting techniques this summer.

A gist of what I might look like by others. LOL

Still life painting, beats beats beats!

Well that's a major chunk of the portfolio! I honestly don't know what my chances are, but using this blog as a way of showing my progress as I go down the illustrative art career path, I want to show my sketches, illustrations, and just what I'm digging and feeling generally, thanks for stopping by!

- A